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Our upgrade is complete!

Our Core Banking System has officially upgraded, which means we are ready to serve you. Our branch location is open, and all systems are restored. Revisit our FAQs to remember what has changed, and call us if you need us.

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Community Reinvestment

The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) was enacted by Congress in 1977 and seeks to address inequities in access to credit, especially in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. The CRA requires regulated financial institutions to demonstrate that their deposit and credit services meet the convenience and needs of the local communities where they are chartered.

As an independent community bank, we have a vested interest in the growth and success of the people and communities that we serve. Being locally-owned and locally-managed means that we are committed to addressing the credit needs of our market area. Our lending procedures result in providing credit that is in consistent compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act.

Logansport Savings Bank is prepared to extend conventional loans for any type of Real Estate situated in our normal lending areas – Cass and Miami Counties, Indiana. Examples would be: Single Family Dwellings, Multi-family Dwellings, Home Improvement Loans, Construction Loans, Commercial Buildings, Farm Loans, Consumer Loans, Education Loans and Car Loans. It is our policy to make these loans based on sound, reasonable judgment.

Many factors must be considered in this judgment including property value, credit ability of applicant, and current economic conditions. Please refer to our Loan Underwriting Standards for more specific requirements. A copy of these standards is available at our branch location.

You have a right to file a written loan application at Logansport Savings Bank.

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